
Likely, you’ve heard that every year millions of dollars in scholarships go unclaimed. It’s the truth — because many students deem the scholarship search process too daunting, 获得奖学金的机会比你想象的要好.

We strongly encourage our students to search for outside scholarships to reduce the need to borrow! 在全球网络赌博平台, our policy is to let outside scholarships fill any unmet financial need as part of your financial aid award. 在这种情况下,奖励调整实际上是必要的, we will first attempt to reduce loans and/or work-study funding so the scholarship is as advantageous to you as possible!

是的, 申请奖学金需要努力, 组织, 和时间, 但这种时间投资可以带来巨大回报. 奖学金 are an important means of reducing borrowing through your college career. Treat your scholarship search like you would a part-time job — schedule time weekly to search and stay informed of important deadlines, 为成功做好准备 跟踪奖学金申请. Every scholarship — no matter how small — helps pay for college and ultimately reduces your student loan debt.

While your first scholarship application will require the most time and effort — maybe a few hours — you can reuse around 70% of your scholarship application materials for future applications. 不要气馁. It typically takes 10 scholarship applications to equal 1 scholarship award. While free money requires effort, your search does not have to be labor intensive. 组织和坚持是成功的关键.




卡乐罗宾逊 mastered the art of obtaining outside scholarships. Examples of scholarships she has received include the Mitchell Scholarship, the Stephen Phillips Memorial Scholarship and the Lillian Baker Scholarship. Karly’s advice to students is to, “…look for local scholarships and apply for as many as you can.她还补充说,“不要忽视小奖项。.卡莉希望毕业后成为一名注册护士. She uses her scholarship monies to help pay for tuition and textbooks.

寻找当地的奖学金,并尽可能多地申请. 不要忽视小奖项.




UNE创建了一个 奖学金搜索工具 to keep you informed of the different scholarship opportunities available to you. We monitor and update this database regularly to keep you in the know about deadlines and requirements. 的 scholarship search engines listed below are also good resources. We recommend creating accounts with a few of these search engines to get regular updates on opportunities that match your criteria. 这里有许多工具、资源和人员可以帮助您. 如果我们能帮忙,请全球网络赌博平台, and stay in tune with the informational opportunities offered by our Tuition Planning and Outreach Team.

查看全球网络赌博平台奖学金搜索工具 探索校外奖学金机会.


Traveling the world and studying abroad is an incredible opportunity. We encourage all UNE students to take advantage of our international programs in Morocco or Spain, 其他留学项目, 或者旅游学习课程. If you are considering studying abroad, there are resources to help like 查看全球网络赌博平台留学奖学金的机会.




大学理事会的《全球网赌十大平台》 有奖学金, 奖助金, 并从2个以上的实习,200个不同的节目, 总计近60亿美元. Enter as much or little information as you wish to find the best matches. 的 data provided is based on 的 College Board's Annual Survey of 金融援助 Programs.


Cappex is a great resource for conducting scholarship searches that fit your unique skills and background. 的ir directory has more than $11 billion available to students in outside scholarships. 这个数据库不仅有丰富的机会, the site is user-friendly and allows you to opt out of emails at any time. 与其他数据库不同, you can tag your applications with unique filters like “will never apply,”“应用,“”可适用,“收到”,”等. 追踪从未如此简单!


彼得森的, a Nelnet company, offers a scholarship search site with more than 5,000 scholarship providers. 通过回答四个简单的问题, you will be directed to a comprehensive list of scholarships with detail that will help guide you. 这个网站非常适合研究生和专业学生. 的 Featured 奖学金 section on the home page will give you deadlines that are fast approaching.


缅因州财政管理局(FAME) offers many scholarship opportunities for Maine residents or students attending Maine’s colleges or universities. 也, use this resource to research other information regarding the financial aid process, 支付大学学费, 金融知识.


Awarding more than $2 million each year from more than 450 scholarship funds, the funds from the 缅因社区基金会 是针对缅因居民的吗. 你可以通过各种标准来搜索奖学金, 包括你所在的地区和你正在攻读的学位类型. 奖学金申请和标准因基金而异.


New Hampshire’s Higher Education Loan Corporation (NHHELOC) provides EdvestinU 作为你寻找奖学金机会的资源, 贷款计算器, 金融知识及其他. 的y often offer monthly scholarship giveaways, so be sure to apply!

奖学金搜索由Sallie Mae

尽管很多人一听到Sallie Mae就会想到贷款, this company encourages you to reduce your loans by taking advantage of their 奖学金搜索由Sallie Mae 搜索工具箱,寻找奖学金机会.


美国奖学金 is a great resource, providing expert advice on scholarships in its U.S. 《全球网赌十大平台》博客打来电话 奖学金教练.


At 奖学金.com you can set up a profile and access many blogs and articles that will help you in your scholarship search.


美国.S. 教育部对术语和问题进行了分解 你可能有全球网络赌博平台奖学金的问题. 的y offer some great tips on how to apply for scholarships and where you should be looking for your next opportunity. This site also offers guidance on avoiding scholarship scams and protecting your identity.