Preparing Culturally Aware Leaders for a Multicultural World

The UNE 多元化领导徽章 program is a co-curricular leadership development opportunity for all students designed to increase your awareness about multicultural and social justice issues. The program also provides you with opportunities for experiential learning with diverse communities. Participants who complete the 20+ hour semester-long program receive a 多元化领导徽章.

这个徽章是通过 UNE徽章计划. Participants who successfully complete the program receive a micro-credential (or badge). Your badge can be added to LinkedIn, included on a resume, or a co-curricular transcript.

Why Participate in the 多元化领导徽章 Program?

When you successfully complete the 多元化领导徽章 (DLB), you will be able to:

  • Analyze your own identities and describe how your personal worldview is shaped by cultural factors.
  • Identify and critique personal assumptions and biases.
  • Describe how privilege and power contribute to social injustices.
  • Define the concept of "cultural humility" and its main characteristics.
  • Demonstrate humility and sensitivity to others through service opportunities in local communities.

多元化领导徽章 Program Requirements

An icon of an open laptop with a large mouse cursor

Participate in Virtual Workshops and Trainings

  • 内隐偏见
  • 性别与性
  • 种族与种族主义
  • 阶级歧视与贫穷


You will be expected to work on virtual collaborative white boards to identify internalized, 人际关系, 机构, and ideological issues throughout various case studies. You will expand your thinking on different perspectives, roles, and identities.



You will be expected to work through more scenarios to help recognize bias and microaggressions. You will discuss various strategies and resources available at UNE and in our surrounding communities.

An icon of a calendar with 3 dates crossed off and 4 dates circled

Attend a Minimum of 2 On-campus or 在线 Approved 事件

  • 多元化讲座系列
  • 总统的论坛
  • 马丁·路德·金. 庆祝活动
  • Intercultural-themed Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice (CAIEP) events
  • UNE lecture series with intercultural/diverse themes
  • Other pre-approved educational lectures and programs


You will be expected to volunteer 10 hours at a community site(s) working with a diverse community or issue. Past service opportunities have included working with the Boys & Girls Club, Partners for World 健康, Portland Public Schools. Community service work is individually organized and self-reported. 如需帮助,请联系 Office of Citizenship and Civic Engagement.

Simple illustration of a person writing on a chalkboard


You will be expected to provide a video or written response to a difficult scenario designed specifically with your academic and career interests in mind. 

As a participant, you are enrolled in an online Brightspace module. You must complete all parts of the 多元化领导徽章 to receive a certificate and distinction. The 多元化领导徽章 will have a Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 cohort this academic year. 

If you have more questions about the 多元化领导徽章 or fellowships within the Office of 多样性、公平和包容 please contact Olivia Lu-Alba, 多元化领导徽章获得者 or 香农Zlotkowski, assistant provost of 多样性、公平和包容 at